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Our Process

Step 1

First Contact

  • Discuss the project. What is the end goal? Location? Present us with any pictures/sketches/ideas you may have in mind.

  • Review zoning information & ensure the project is buildable.

  • Provide an estimate for the completed plan set as well as an expected timeframe.

  • Once the down payment and signed drafting agreement are received your project will be added to our queue.

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Step 2

It's Time to Design

  • You will begin to receive frequent (generally daily) updates of the draft.

  • This will include the incomplete plan set as well as a 3d model that you can freely view to visualize the project better.

  • We will move as quickly as you will respond.

  • Once you are satisfied with the design we will then begin on the drafting.

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  • *planned RITE works closely with engineering firms to ensure that the house plans accurately reflect the design that we have created.

Step 3

Time to Make It Official

  • We will work to complete the rest of the house plans (dimensions, details, notes, calculations, etc).

  • The fun part is done, you don't want to hassle with the part that ensures you receive permits.

  • Engineers will be consulted at this point if required*.

  • We will send you the last draft for your final review and approval.


Step 4

Plans Are Complete

  • We will send the final invoice.

  • Once payment is received we will send you the complete plan set for you or your builder** to submit to the jurisdiction.

  • If the jurisdiction sends back redlines, send them our way and we will take care of them as quickly as possible.

  • Once you receive your permits, get to building!

  • Let us know when you begin and send us pictures. We love to see the progress!

  • **planned RITE recommends involving a licensed contractor to properly interpret the plans and carry out the build. We also recommend that they are involved in verifying that the plans are accurate before you give the final approval.

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